Replacing Microsoft ATA SSL Certificate

You’ve got Microsoft ATA installed with the default Self-Signed certificate and want to replace it with a Private PKI certificate, but how.

Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics according to Microsoft – “Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) is an on-premises platform that helps protect your enterprise from multiple types of advanced targeted cyber attacks and insider threats.”.

You have got it installed but you want to replace the Self Signed SSL Certificate with one signed by your internal Certificate Authority. I struggled to find any documentation and attempted to identify which certificate the web service was using. A quick look at the Configuration screen in ATA and it references that Friendly name and fingerprint of the only certificate in the Machine Personal store.

Go ahead and get a new valid SSL certificate issued by your PKI with the ‘Server Authentication’ Enhanced Key Usage flag and import it into the Machine Personal Certificate store for your server running ATA, and once it is imported visit the configuration screen and select the certificate from the drop down list, Restart the ‘Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Center’ service to update the SSL Binding for the ATACentre service and your done.

Rich Carpenter

Richard is an Information Security Expert, focussed on the implementation and architecture of Digital Transformation and Public Cloud adoption at forward thinking organisations.