Pre-Provisioning One Drive Storage

By default, the first time that a user browses to their OneDrive it’s automatically provisioned for them. In some cases, you might want your users’ OneDrive locations to be ready beforehand, or pre-provisioned.

This helps if you are pre-staging files which are to be migrated from another storage location or are migrating users between Office365 Tenants.

I created this script to check if the One Drive storage location (SharePoint Personal site) has been provisioned, and if not request the storage using the new Request-SPOPersonalSite PowerShell Command.

#Requires -Version 5.1
#Requires -Modules @{ ModuleName="Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell"; ModuleVersion="16.0.8924.0" }
#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory 

function Request-OneDriveProvisioning
      Requests One Drive Storage it if has not been provisioned.

      Checks if OneDrive storage has been provisioned - if not the storage is requested.

      Request-OneDriveProvisioning -orgname contoso -Server -OrganizationalUnit 'OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com'
      Requests OneDrive storage provisioning for all users in the 'Users' OU where the SPOSite does not exist.

      By default, the first time that a user browses to their OneDrive it's automatically provisioned for them. In some cases you might want your users' OneDrive locations to be pre-provisioned.


        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Office365 Tenant name')][string]$orgname,
        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='Domain Controller to use')][string]$Server,
        [Parameter(Mandatory,HelpMessage='DN of OU to process',ParameterSetName='OrganizationalUnit')][ValidateScript({
          Try {
            Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $_ -ErrorAction Stop | out-null
            return $true
          } Catch {
            throw "Organizational Unit could not be found"

      Import-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -DisableNameChecking
      Connect-SPOService -Url https://$
        'OrganizationalUnit'{$od4b = Get-Aduser -server $Server -LDAPFilter '(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person))' -SearchBase $OrganizationalUnit -ResultPageSize 100 -Properties mail}
      Foreach($user in $od4b){
          $user_uri = ($($user.mail).replace("@","_")).replace(".","_")
          $response = Invoke-webrequest -Uri https://$$user_uri -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch [Net.WebException] {
          $response = $_.Exception.Response
        If ($Response.StatusCode -eq 200 -or $Response.StatusCode -eq 403 )   { 
          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Site for user $($user.mail) exists!"
        Else {
          Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Site for user $($user.mail) does not respond, attempting to provision"
          Request-SPOPersonalSite -UserEmails $user.mail

Rich Carpenter

Richard is an Information Security Expert, focussed on the implementation and architecture of Digital Transformation and Public Cloud adoption at forward thinking organisations.